Monday, June 30, 2008

Everyone, please say hello to Milo

I would like to update you as far as Milo V Freeman goes but there is just so much I don't know where to start.

I recieved Milo's civil war records. For those of you who are interested in the National Archives you can order a few different types of records from there website here. I ordered the complete file and actually I was dissappointed. I was really hoping for a physical description.

It took just over 30 days and cost me 75 smack-a-roos. Just as I suspected there is no proof Milo died, nor is there proof that he ever showed up in Ohio for his two year prison sentence for larceny.

Can stealing $30 really be larceny?

I have some files on order. I sent in a request for more data from NARA, specifically the court martial records and also some penitentiary records from the Ohio Historical Society. They have a blog, and a link to the Ohio Genealogical Society on their site.

Frank Russell does not exist, genealogically speaking, until 1867. Milo stops existing, also genealogically speaking in 1865.

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